« Public organization: The gamble of knowledge », is an article written by Said El Moustafaid and published on « L’Economiste.com ». It gives us a picture of public companies seeking to protect their human capital.
While the preservation of human capital has become part of the customs of private companies, it has been delayed for public organizations. Also, the New Public Management inspires companies in the sector to develop management models based on the private sector. In addition to the advantages provided by the company’s activities, knowledge is considered a key factor in the competitiveness of countries.
The knowledge economy and the risk of knowledge loss resulting from retirements are driving the public sector towards managing their knowledge. Therefore, a proactive attitude and sharing of experience must respond to these challenges. As the author mentions, the sustainability of organizational knowledge is the image of a “critical knowledge capture” within teams and their expertise.
Preserve tactical knowledge
Through his analysis, Dr. Said El Moustafid returns to the importance of human capital in the strategy of public companies. He also presents tactical knowledge, as the driving force behind these companies which is known only by its holders. Acquired through experience and specific to each individual, these skills constitute a strong added value, a subject of desire in all organizations…
Said El Moustafid, Doctor of Management Science offers his analysis in the light of Moroccan societal realities. The aging of civil servants is a major issue in this country where more than “45% of them are over 45 years old”.
Source: « Organisation publique : Le pari de la connaissance » – Said El Moustafaid | L’Economiste.com
Photo Crédit: Sebastián León Prado | Unsplash.com