The Vedalis company has been cited as an example in the exploitation of big data
Considered as the performance lever and vector of social links, the ccooperation of the Administrative and Financial Director (DAF – Le directeur administratif et financier) and the Director of Human Resources (DRH – Directeur des Ressources Humaines) is an integral part of social management control. However, the link between them is part of a complex and sometimes contradictory pattern…
This white paper, published in September 2017, is the result of the collaboration between the National Association of Financial Managers and Management Control (DFCG – Directeurs Financiers et de Contrôle de Gestion) and the national association of HR directors (ANDRH – l’Association Nationale des DRH).
Together, they have developed four work paths and propositions to increase the efficacy of the DAF and DRH duo. Through the adopted approach, this report invites us to analyze the contribution of this binomial in the definition of the strategy while developing a shared social management control. In addition, it highlights the value of the immaterial created by effective cooperation and at the origin of a variable payment project.
Mastering the society that has become «agile»
In the light of the latest developments in labor law and the inversion of the «hierarchies of standards», this whitepaper advocates a better compromise between the economic and social dimensions. With the emergence of an « agile » society, it is necessary «to measure and monitor the impacts on all levers of social performance».
In addition, organizations must be able to study the added value of their talents and measure social change. Also, the company Vedalis is cited as an example, at the crossroads of Electronic Data Management (EDM) and interaction between employees.
The whitepaper is available in French on the ANDRH website: Livre blanc, la coopération DAF-DRH au service de la performance de l’entreprise et de l’optimisation du lien social / DFCG-ANDRH